Dr. A. Siluvairaja
Chair of CKP Centre is a certified “Entrepreneurship Educator” by Stanford, IIMB and NEN, he has over eight years of experience in the industry and has been with the institute for the last sixteen years. He has designed and conducted several EDPs, seminars, and workshops. He has published papers, articles and books. He has developed Career Planning modules for the students. His areas of interest include Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Career Planning and General Management. He teaches Marketing and Entrepreneurship courses at the institute. Besides several paper presentations he has published a book on “Educational Entrepreneurship’. He has conducted several EDP’s for aspiring entrepreneurs. Apart from identifying, organizing, executing various real-time projects he has also co-ordinated the RITES (Rail India Technical & Economic Services) sponsored National Study “To identify the Passengers Preferences inside the Rail Coach”. He has also assisted in US Aid sponsored action Research project of WLSME LIBA-CISSD project.